IATA AIAG (Airprox Incident Analysis Group) Meeting and Missing flight plans

IATA AIAG (Airprox Incident Analysis Group) Meeting and FIRS

Coordination between FIRs is still the number one problem. Please consider the following in order to address this:

  • Crews must comply with procedure that requires a radio call 10 minutes before entering a particular FIR.
  • Crews must comply with recommended procedure of no flight level change within 10 minutes before entering a new FIR. Don’t expect and don’t ask for a level change within 10 minutes of a FIR boundary.
  • Be vigilant of the type of airspace that are operating in. Important to understand that when operating in class G airspace one cannot be “cleared” to climb/descend.
  • Crews must restrict their rate of climb/descend to 1000 ft in the last 1000 ft to level off.
  • Crews must be encouraged to implement a 1 to 2 nm right of track SLOP.
  • Crews are requested to provide more detailed reports.


ICAO and IFALPA have established a working group to investigate the issue of missing flight plans.

On first contact you are only required to give your call-sign, reporting point, time and flight level. It is not a requirement to give the aircraft registration, however many crews still doing it. If you are requested to provide the aircraft registration, use this opportunity to find out whether they have received a flight plan or not. If not, please forward a report to the IFALPA Senior Technical Officer at carolecouchman@ifalpa.org and IFALPA RVP AFI South at carlbollweg@gmail.com for the matter to be investigated. The report should contain the following information:

Flight Number
Particular FIR

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